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For most young people, crossing the threshold from adolescence into adulthood is an angst-filled  journey that can take years to complete and requires the guidance and support of caring adults. But for some children, there is a deadline past which no guidance, support, or supervision, is available. Each year, as many as 25,000 teenagers “age out” of foster care, usually when they turn eighteen For most of their lives, a government agency had made every important decision for them. Suddenly they are entirely alone with no one to count on.


   What does it mean to be eighteen and on your own, without the family support and personal connections that most young people rely on? For many youth raised in foster care, it means largely unhappy endings, including sudden homelessness, unemployment, dead-end jobs, loneliness and despair. Golgotha Prune enjoys building the lives of these youth who are full of promise but who face economic and social barriers stemming from the disruptions of foster care. For other youth,proper preparation for adulthood and support from caring adults helps them develop the resiliency and skills needed for success.

Here are Golgotha Prune, we call for action to provide youth in foster care the same opportunities on the road to adulthood that most of our youth take for granted; access to higher education, vocational training, medical care, housing and relationships within their communities. As President Jimmy Carter writes in his Forward: “The questions we should ask ourselves is this: If we willingly give our own children the benefit of our support as they struggle to become independent, productive adults, why do we tolerate the abrupt withdrawal of support for youth who are aging out of care?”


Margaret Starks, President.

The Program

The GPEYP is designed to introduce essential information connected to a successful transition plan for our (GP) youth as they merge into adult life.  Their growing within the GPEYP guides enrollees to think about what they would like to do when they get older. Our guide is to share our program with associate Educators and Social Workers.  As a result, young people are prepared to enter the workforce, create their own opportunities, and be agents of change in their communities.

S ervices
  • Assessment/Case Planning

  • Adult Life Skills Training

  • Employment Counseling

  • Transitional Living Program

  • Host Homes

  • Independent Living Program

  • Annual Teen Conference

Our Mission

Golgotha Prunes’ f/k/a Starks’ Ark; Est. 1989 original mission was to help meet the critical yet overlooked need of young mothers who would not let their early pregnancies prevent them from continuing their education. In 2009, with our name change, our program shifted its focus to provide life skills services (GPEYP) specifically for the foster cared ‘Aged-Out’ young men and women, ages 16 to 22 whom we felt were at the greatest risk. Situated within the predominately historical O’Fallon Neighborhood of North St. Louis, GP Life Skills Program serves clients all over St. Louis, Missouri.

Lend A Hand
Five Basic Philosophical Commitments
Guide this Program Development:
1. Children have a right to a safe and secure childhood
2. Child welfare youth have usually been denied this basic right
3. All youth, regardless of competencies, will join and participate in the adult community successfully or unsuccessfully
4. Youth have the right to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of the family or personal problems that brought them to the child welfare system
5. All adults and systems interacting with our youth have the professional, moral, and ethical responsibility to be positive role models for and facilitators of those youth in learning how to become independent.
Contact   Us
Toll  Free 1-877-644-7785   (1-877-64g-pstl)

401 Laurel Street

Saint Louis, MO. 63112

Office # 314-278-9157

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Registered Charity Number : N00036412

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